Welcome to the Club Issue link

Welcome to The Club is a young and original magazine for people 55 and up, and we mean all the way up. This is a huge age range to try to cater to in one magazine, but that is our goal. There may be vast differences between people who are 55 and people who were born in ‘35 but we believe there are even more similarities. We want to entertain you and very much want to engage you, encouraging our readers to help build the paper by contributing in some way. That could be by writing an article, sending in a photo or offering us advice on what we’re doing right and what we can improve on. What would you like to see in this new magazine? And yes, we mean you!

Some of our readers will be thinking that this looks an awful lot like a magazine called Daytripping. There’s a good reason for that. We started Daytripping in Southwestern Ontario back in 1995 to promote unique shops and towns throughout our region, and the “Daytripper” as it’s become known is still alive and well.

From the outset we also encouraged Daytripping‘s readers to become contributors and have amassed a library of articles from people just like you. Very few were accomplished writers at that time. Some had never tried, but they had a story to tell and share with others and we saw how much of an impact this new hobby or outlet had on their lives. Many of these articles were nostalgic and timeless and we’ve always wanted to have another magazine in which to publish them, one intended for an older audience that would appreciate them and identify with them. In too many cases the authors have passed on, and this is our way of keeping their words alive a little bit longer. For every article we reprint we donate $25 to the charity of our choice. Photographers and artists are welcome to submit their work for consideration within the magazine or on the cover. Welcome to The Club will be distributed in Sarnia-Lambton, though our contributors may be from anywhere in the world. 

You won’t find any politics in these pages, no controversy and little real news for that matter. What you will find is a relaxing read that might remind you of simpler days as well as places and events from years gone by. You’ll also find some information on things in the here and now, and we hope to bring in more of this as time goes on. There is also an Events Calendar, and a list of discounts that are available to people who’ve reached a certain age. You’ll also be amused by the vast collection of silly tidbits and fillers we have accumulated in over a quarter century of publishing Daytripping. 

We hope you’ll take a moment to send us your honest thoughts. We’re never too old to learn and are looking forward to bringing you a magazine you’ll come to love, and hopefully be a part of. This starts by asking you what we’re doing right, what we could do better, and maybe what we shouldn’t do at all.
Thank you for reading and Welcome to The Club! Don’t throw away a copy if you can share it with a friend instead, and look for the next issues in many locations throughout Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.
Mark Moran, Publisher